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Smartlockr Users
Guides and tips for using your Smartlockr account securely and efficiently.
25 articles
Which steps can I take to solve problems on my own and what information does support need to help me?
How do I send my log files to Smartlockr?
How do I disable the Smartlockr add-in for Microsoft Outlook?
How can I send large attachments with Smartlockr?
I'm having trouble sending an email securely with Smartlockr
How can I log into the Smartlockr add-in?
How do I confirm recipients and files with Smartlockr?
What is the difference between an upload request and an upload portal?
How do I block access to an email that was sent with Smartlockr?
How do I block files with the Smartlockr add-in?
How do I send a secure upload request with Smartlockr?
How do I send my files with the secure message option within Smartlockr?
How do I send my files with the secure files option within Smartlockr?
Where can I see the tracking and blocking information of messages where Smartlockr was used?
How do I send my files with the public file option within Smartlockr?
How do I reset my password?
How do I install SmartLockr?
2FA with SmartLockr
Send a message with 1FA using SmartLockr
Enabling the SmartLockr add-in, in Outlook
How do content policies work with the SmartLockr add-in?
How do I log out of the SmartLockr in Outlook?
What is the maximum size for Attachments?
SmartLockr turns on automatically
Do you have a SmartLockr user guide?