In this article, we will go over Smartlockr's registry values with you and what you can do to prevent Smartlockr from being disabled.
Where are Smartlockr's registry values stored?
Smartlockr has user-level and programme-level registry values. User-level ones are always in this location:
In this folder we store user login sessions (refresh tokens) but also settings set by the Smartlockr administrator in the admin portal such as content policies and excluded domains.
Those of our software can be in two places and that has to do with the version of Smartlockr you are using. We have a single user (1 user) and all user variant of Smartlockr. These are in the following places:
Single user (1 user): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SmartLockr
All user (all users): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\SmartLockr
At the place where the registry values of the program Smartlockr are located, it is also possible to modify some values to your liking. Consider the following:
- ConfirmWhenDisabled: to see Smartlockr's confirmation screens even when Smartlockr is not active. (1 = On, 0 = Off)
- IsRelayMode: To make the Smartlockr Outlook software run in the SMTP Relay mode (1 = SMTP Relay mode, 0 = Normal)
How do I ensure that Smartlockr will not be disabled by Outlook?
Outlook has a mechanism to check if plugins are slowing down Outlook. Every add-in in Outlook will do this to some extent because it adds additional functionalities. As this mechanism is very strict and users can only suppress it for 30 days, we recommend adding the following registry values to be added as an administrator through a GPO:
Path: HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\SmartLockr.AddinModule
Key: LoadBehavior (REG_DWORD)
Value: 3
Path: HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Resiliency\DoNotDisableAddinList
Key: SmartLockr.AddinModule (REG_DWORD)
Value: 1
Don’t forget to change the path of the key to something else than 16.0 if that doesn’t suit the version of Outlook you’re using.
How can I enable Smartlockr for specific users on a server?
When installing the all-user version on a server, you might not want Smartlockr to be available to all users but to a specific group of users. Smartlockr will create two values called “LoadBehavior” in HKLM which means that it affects all users on a server. We advice you to remove them from the folders below and adding the through a GPO in the HKCU so you are able to control who will have Smartlockr and who won't. Please delete the “LoadBehavior” keys in the following folders:
Through a GPO you can put the back in the following places for specific users:
If you want to make sure Smartlockr is only activated for specific users and also want to prevent Outlook from disabling Smartlockr in general you can load all these keys for the users through a GPO to make that happens: